Warning: Please call the release interface when not SMS received, Otherwise, you will still be charged if you receive the SMS before the background forced release

API Document


  • Request url:http://www.firefox.fun/yhapi.ashx
  • Remark:Chinese characters are encoded using url
  • Method:GET

Please save the log,If you need technical assistance, you must provide the log

A return of "1|*" indicates that the request was successful, and a return of "0|*" indicates that the request failed."*" indicates information content


  • Call it once when starting the script
  • Token remains unchanged without changing the account password
  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act login Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    ApiName Your ApiName Required [Look my ApiName]After login go to API--My APIName
    PassWord Your password Required Login password at the time of registration
  • Request example:?act=login&ApiName=12348&PassWord=1231
  • Successfully returned:1|token
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 The ApiName cannot be empty
    -2 The ApiName length must be between 3-30
    -3 ApiName cannot contain the special symbol '|'
    -4 ApiName cannot contain Chinese characters
    -5 The PassWord cannot be empty
    -6 The PassWord length must be between 3-30
    -7 In the same IP case, the last request failed and will be retried in 1 minute
    -8 ApiName has been disabled
    -9 ApiName or PassWord is error

User information

  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act myInfo Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
  • Request example:?act=myInfo&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3
  • Successfully returned:1|balance|level|integral
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 Token does not exist
    -2 Token is invalid, please call the login interface
    -3 Please wait 60 seconds before requesting

Get a number

  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act getPhone Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
    iid Service id Required View on the Service list
    country Country ID View on the Country list,Random if no input
    did Developer ID View on developer side
    dock return docking code? 0/empty or 1;0/empty :not return,1: return
    maxPrice max price If you don't enter or enter 0, this feature is not enabled,After entering, it will be automatically added to the exclusive matchmaking that meets the requirements
    mobile The mobile number you need Get the specified mobile number
    pushUrl Push link We will push SMS to you through this link,detailed description
  • Request example:?act=getPhone&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3&iid=1001&did=&country=&dock=&maxPrice=0&mobile=&pushUrl=
  • Successfully returned:1|pkey|get time|country id|area code|city|prot name|mobile number|docking code
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 There is no number for the condition you selected
    -2 Token does not exist
    -3 The service does not exist
    -4 The country is error
    -5 The service not audit
    -6 The service disabled
    -7 The token disabled
    -8 Your balance is insufficient, please recharge
    -9 Too many numbers, please supplement the balance【Actively call the release interface when unavailable】
    -10 The service does not allow specifying the number
    If you need to receive messages many times
  • Call process:Get a number-->trigger first sms-->Get sms code-->Get a number by mobile-->trigger second sms-->Get sms code-->And so on

Get sms code

  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act getPhoneCode Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
    pkey PKey value returned by get a number Required PKey value returned by get a number
  • Request example:?act=getPhoneCode&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3&pkey=0524EA1B2A4DC810E3E535BE036C2C170E914ECC4D46ED19
  • Successfully returned:1|code|sms content
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 Token does not exist
    -2 The pkey invalid
    -3 Waiting for verification code,Continue to call after 5 seconds
    -4 Mobile number is unavailable, please give up its work
    -5 The mobile number has been blacked, please give up its work
    If no SMS is received, it will be returned as a failure

Send sms

  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act sendCode Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
    pkey PKey value returned by get a number Required PKey value returned by get a number
    receiver Receiver mobile number Required example:10086
    smscontent SMS content you need to send Required example:cxye
  • Request example:?act=sendCode&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3&pkey=0524EA1B2A4DC810E3E535BE036C2C170E914ECC4D46ED19&receiver=10086&smscontent=cxye
  • Successfully returned:1|
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 Token does not exist
    -2 The pkey invalid
    -3 The receiver cannot be empty
    -4 The smscontent cannot be empty
    -5 unknown error
    -6 Mobile number is unavailable, please give up its work
    -7 Mobile number is unavailable, please give up its work
    -8 SMS is not allowed for this service
    -9 No keyword ,Please contact customer service
    -10 SmsContent does not conform to rules
    -11 Do not submit repeatedly

Get send sms state

  • Use [Get sms code] to get the SMS sending receipt

Release number

    Called only when no SMS is received. If the SMS is received, this interface is not required
  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act setRel Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
    pkey PKey value returned by get a number Required PKey value returned by get a number
  • Request example:?act=setRel&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3&pkey=0524EA1B2A4DC810E3E535BE036C2C170E914ECC4D46ED19
  • Successfully returned:1|
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    x X is a positive integer, which means that it is allowed to be released after x seconds。example:0|30
    -1 Token does not exist
    -2 The pkey invalid
    -3 Mobile number is unavailable, please give up its work
    -4 SMS has been received and cannot be released
    -5 SMS is being sent, release not allowed
    -6 Released more than times, automatically blacked

Black number

    Called only when you don't want to use this number again
  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act addBlack Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
    pkey PKey value returned by get a number Required PKey value returned by get a number
    reason Blackening reason Required url encoding of Chinese characters
  • Request example:?act=addBlack&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3&pkey=0524EA1B2A4DC810E3E535BE036C2C170E914ECC4D46ED19&reason=used
  • Successfully returned:1|
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 Token does not exist
    -2 The pkey invalid
    -3 The reason cannot be empty
    -4 Mobile number is unavailable, please give up its work
    -5 No SMS received, please call [Release number]
    -6 Your account does not allow access to [Black number]

Feedback state

    To call it, you need to configure permissions. The account has no permissions by default

    Do not call those without permission to avoid the decrease of account balance

  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act apiReturn Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
    pkey PKey value returned by get a number Required PKey value returned by get a number
    remark Feedback state Required Fixed value 0:success,-1:fail,-2:No verification code,-3:The mobile number has been used
  • Request example:?act=apiReturn&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3&pkey=0524EA1B2A4DC810E3E535BE036C2C170E914ECC4D46ED19&remark=0
  • Successfully returned:1|
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 Token does not exist
    -2 The pkey invalid
    -3 The remark cannot be empty
    -4 Mobile number is unavailable, please give up its work
    -5 You don't have permission


    Called when the phone number needs to be used again (unspecified number)
    Called after receiving the verification code

    Re use will re settle the expense

    Please do not call non special items to avoid the decrease of account balance

  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act setAgain Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    token Your token Required Token value returned by login
    pkey PKey value returned by get a number Required PKey value returned by get a number
    min How many minutes to use again (Range 2-300 minutes),The default value is 5
  • Request example:?act=setAgain&token=b7c94daad5e3dd71ffca9298976ec0d4_3&pkey=0524EA1B2A4DC810E3E535BE036C2C170E914ECC4D46ED19&min=5
  • Successfully returned:1|
  • Failure return:0|Failure code
  • Failure code description:
  • Failure code Failure code description
    -1 Token does not exist
    -2 The pkey invalid
    -3 The min value error
    -4 Mobile number is unavailable, please give up its work
    -5 No SMS received, please call [Release number]

Get price list

  • Request parameters:
  • Field Value Required Remark
    act getItem Required Fixed value, cannot be modified
    key The service keyword The service keyword
  • Request example:?act=getItem&key=
  • Successfully returned:price list format json
  • Field Description:
  • Item_ID:Service id
  • Item_Name:Service name
  • Item_UPrice:Price
  • Country_ID:Country ID
  • Country_Title:Country Name

Service list

    Service ID Service Name

Country list

    Country ID Country Area Country Title